
A sample collection.

Quizer Quizer

Food Waste Quiz App

A 12-week quiz app built with MERN stack and published in August 2018. Implemented under the direction of research professors at the University of Toronto, Department of Geography & Planning.

Once users enter a valid passcode, they are able to take a new quiz each week. Quiz completion is tracked to record users' prize eligibility status.

Course Tutor


A responsive MEAN stack application for connecting students with tutors. Once signed in, users are able to search through courses, post comments, message other users, and find contacts.

The app was tested using Mocha, Chai, Casper and Phantom. Performance analysis was done with the use of YSlow.

3D Stem Plot

A new feature written in Python for the open source plotting library, matplotlib. Allows users to generate stem plots in a 3D view and rotate the graphs by specifying a fixed axis.

3D Stem Plot


A batch tag editing plugin that can be added to the open source Zotero desktop software. This feature allows users to search and edit multiple tagged articles and resources in their library.

Zotero Plugin

Black Hole Game

An HTML5 canvas game where the user must click on randomly generated black and blue holes to detroy them, before they pull in all the floating objects in space or before time runs out.

Levels progress in difficulty with increasing black hole spawns.

Black Hole Game